At FZI Karlsruhe a persistent object management system named "SOS" was developed. It is now freely available via anonymous FTP. An excerpt of the SOS-README follows: The STONE Object System --- SOS ------------------------------- The persistent object management system SOS was developed by Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) as a contribution to the STONE project. This project (supported by grant no. ITS8902A7 from the BMFT, i.e. the German Ministry for Research) aims at the development of a software engineering environment for education purposes and is carried out as a joint project of nine german universities and research institutions. An essential feature of STONE is that the object oriented paradigm is pursued consequently as a key concept. SOS is the common persistent object store for all tools within the STONE environment. Data Model --------- The SOS data model can be characterized by the following properties: * Schema definition language syntactically similar to C++ * Support of multiple inheritance * Generic classes * Distinction between public, protected, and private methods * Redefinition of methods * Overloading of methods Interfaces ---------- Classes have to defined in schemas which are compiled by the SOS schema compiler. The compilation results are instances of classes of the meta schema. From these instances in a next step interfaces to different programming languages can be generated. At present the C++ language binding is implemented, interfaces to Lisp and other languages are planned. SOS provides a mechanism to incrementally load methods. Prototype --------- Since end 1990 the first prototype of SOS is available and is shipped to interested universities and research institutions. The current version is publicly available via FTP (see below). The system comes with the schema compiler, a library of predefined classes (like Set, List, String, ...), a graphical object browser (more a shell than a browser) and all manuals. System Requirements ------------------- For the prototype's installation a C++ compiler (GNU g++ 1.37 or later or AT&T 2.0/2.1) and the X-Windows system (currently X11R4) for the graphical tools are required. Installation is well-tried on SUN 3/* and SUN 4/* systems and should be no problem on other UNIX machines, too. -------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information please mail to: Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) STONE Projekt Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 10-14 D-7500 Karlsruhe 1 Germany or email to: Phone: ++49-721-9654-601 Fax: ++49-721-9654-609 Teletex: 721 190 fziKA The SOS system is available via anonymous FTP from []. The system can be found in the directory /pub/SOS. Sites interested in getting information about new SOS developments are welcome to register in our mailing list by sending a mail with subject "sos-mailing-list" to -- Dietmar Theobald Forschungszentrum Informatik e-mail: Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14 phone: (+49) 721 9654 734 7500 Karlsruhe 1 (FRG) fax: (+49) 721 9654 709